Par ailleurs, si certaines compagnies d’assurance mentionnent automatiquement la couverture Covid-19 (Assur Travel, AVA Tourist Card, AVI International…), d’autres ne l’indiquent que sur demande du voyageur (ACS, My Travel Cover, Chapka Assurances…). Aon France rachète le courtier Chapka Assurances (AOF) - Aon France a racheté Chapka Assurances, le courtier spécialisé dans l'assurance voyage en ligne, pour un montant non précisé. Coronavirus : les produits d’assurances dédiés fleurissent sur le marché Florian De Paola Mar 10, 2020. My Working Holiday in Montreal was my greatest adventure, and like all adventures, there were plenty of unforeseeable risks. Chapka Assurances, courtier en assurance voyage du groupe Aon France, a décidé de faire peau neuve en faisant évoluer son nom, son identité graphique et en modernisant son site internet. 128 talking about this. On 9 April 2021 the Australian Government updated its advice on the rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine.. From 12pm (midday) AEST Thursday 1 April to Thursday 15 April there are mandatory mask wearing and additional restrictions for gatherings and businesses for all of Queensland.. This assistance is for everyone: explorers, backpackers or holidaymakers for overseas trips of less than 90 days. Certaines compagnies comme Emirates proposent une assurance COVID-19 incluse dans le prix du billet pour couvrir vos frais additionnels en cas de quarantaine ou d’hospitalisation à l’étranger. If you would like to know more, please visit our dedicated page, Medical expenses and hospitalization abroad covered at 100%, Rental Civil Liability Benefit up to 100 000€, Overseas civil liability up to 4 000 000€. Optional: terrorism coverage . Hide details, If you are hospitalized in your country of mission, we organize and cover a round trip for a family member and their hotel costs. You will receive your insurance certificate immediately after your subscription, by email! If the Doctors decide that you must return home for the continuation of a treatment, your repatriation is fully taken care of and paid for! This policy is renewable from abroad. Chapka Assurances Voyages ... -Zélande, soins d'urgence chez le dentiste au Chili et rapatriement vers la France depuis le Pérou pour cause de Covid-19 : un tour du monde mouvementé mais toujours bien accompagné grâce à Chapka ! We guarantee a great management and follow-up of your misadventures abroad. If you would like to know more, please visit our dedicated page, The assistance and rapatriation insurance for your. Chapka negotiated exclusive Covid-19 benefits, for before and during your travels, just for you! Chapka was my best partner through those hassles and allowed me to truly live my Canadian experience with complete piece of mind. Assurance voyage : Covid-19, cartes Visa et MasterCard… Les réponses à vos principales questions. Nous c’est Chapka Assurances, on appartient au groupe AON Retrouvez-nous Contact: 0174855050 et Recherche; Espace partenaires ; FR EN. We intervene from the first euro, meaning even your small fees are reimbursed. We intervene from the first euro, meaning even your small fees are reimbursed. Chapka Assurances devient… Chapka. Trustpilot. Your medical fees are covered in case of an unforeseeable and sudden illness. * Naturally, for claims abroad! Go above and beyond. Refusing them does not diminish the number of publicity ads, but makes them less pertinent. EUROP ASSISTANCE. 70 talking about this. We inspire your travels through our stories, podcasts and videos . Chapka Assurances a par exemple ajouté une telle garantie à son contrat d'assurance voyage, notamment pour être couvert en cas de contraction du Covid-19 dans le pays de destination, sous réserve que la pathologie n'était pas connue avant le départ. ASIC Moneysmart – COVID-19 - Making smart decisions Provides support services and learning resources to assist with making financial decisions during COVID-19. Face à la pandémie Covid-19, ... Une assurance annulation vous sera systématiquement proposée par l’organisme vous ayant vendu le voyage international : il s’agira alors d’un contrat groupe. They let us suggest publicity on your Facebook, targeted from your interests and preferences, and let us rate them. Pensez à le vérifier pour ne pas vous retrouver coincé à l’aéroport d’arrivée ! Par ailleurs, vous pouvez aussi vous tourner vers une assurance voyage indépendante, mentionnant la prise en charge des frais liés au COVID-19. Chapka negotiated exclusive Covid-19 benefits, for before and during your travels, just for you! An insurance for « all justified reasons » Enjoy a cancellation insurance that lets you cancel for any proved, sudden and unforeseeable event occurred beyond your control. Chapka Assurances. La plupart des assureurs ou courtiers ont adapté leur offre à la pandémie de coronavirus, mais elles diffèrent beaucoup dans le détail. Your medical fees are covered in case of an unforeseeable and sudden illness. Vous pouvez également y souscrire en vous rendant dans une agence physique. Envie du Monde : un tour du monde en famille, 10 conseils aux étudiants qui partent étudier au Québec, Alizée et Romain, passionnés de HelpX en PVT Australie, If you would like to know more, please visit our dedicated page. Covid-19 Info. We tell you what is and not coveredand there are no tricks! Baptiste, 29 year-old This contract was tailor-made by Chapka, in partnership with  They provide an interesting value for money, a simplified subscription and a good coverage for worldwide travelers. En France, toutes les grandes sociétés d’assurance et d’assistance ainsi que les courtiers spécialisés (Allianz Travel, Europ Assistance, Axa, AVI, Présence Assistance Tourisme, Assur-Travel, Assurever, Assurinco, Mutuaide Assistance, Chapka Assurances) proposent désormais un contrat couvrant la pandémie de covid-19. High-Risk Sports benefit . Reimbursement of your Medical fees from the 1st Euro. We insure every year more than 1,000,000 travelers!. Hide details, Chapka Assurances © 2021 – All rights reserved.Powered by Aon, We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. They let us improve the functioning of your navigation on our site and measure audience whilst respecting your privacy. They let us suggest publicity on Google, targeted from your interests and preferences, and let us rate them. Rendezvous in our FAQ for more details! Chapka Assurances offers many different plans to personalize your experience and your needs depending on the type of travel you are doing. With Chapka, I enjoyed my Working Holiday hassle-free, My Working Holiday in Montreal was my greatest adventure, and like all adventures, there were plenty of unforeseeable risks. If you would like to renew your policy for less than 3 months, please contact our client services! With Chapka, I enjoyed my Working Holiday hassle-free. My husband had the great idea to sprain his ankle on our first day hiking in Cape Verde. Voir toutes nos assurances voyage . COVID-19 vaccine enquiries. Your medical fees are covered in case of an unforeseeable and sudden illness. Couverture au 1er euro ou en complément à la CFE. Le blog d'ACS; Guides et conseils ; Covid-19 Informations; Découvrir ACS; FAQ; Trouver . Chapka Assurances racheté par Aon France Emilie Vignon Jan 7, 2019. Especialistas en seguros de #viaje y adicts a los viajes. Hide details, Your luggage is protected against theft and damages during your trip and transportation, up to 2 000 €.Information about the luggage cover Chapka Assurance: Contrat vacances – Assistance 24/24: 23 € 500 000 € Contrat avec une meilleure couverture, mais plus cher. We have 15 advisors in our Paris offices, available to guide you by email or phone, in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. Thanks to them, our clients are satisfied and covered*! Chapka negotiated exclusive Covid-19 benefits, for before and during your travels, just for you! See More. Coronavirus : 90% des entreprises françaises non couvertes par l’assurance. Chapka assurance voyage et COVID 19 – quelles garanties ? > Assurance Groupe, des solutions sur-mesure et tarifs préférentiels pour vos voyages à partir de 20 personnes. Coronavirus, voyage et assurance annulation : êtes-vous vraiment couvert ? De façon générale, elles sont moins réactives et mettront plus de temps à rembourser, car l'assurance voyage n'est pas leur métier premier», analyse Geoffroy Bonnet-Eymard (Chapka Assurances). Yes, if you are holder of a Working Holiday Visa for Australia (subclass 408, 416, 417, 462), Canada, Japan, New-Zealand, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong or South Korea. Yes, if you are between 18 and 31 years old (35 for Canada, Argentina, and Australia). The good news was he was quickly taken care of by the Doctors at a nearby hospital, thanks to the medical assistance. Assurances Voyage. Chapka negotiated exclusive Covid-19 benefits, for before and during your travels, just for you! Help > FAQ > Answer Covid-19 - What is covered by your policy? Yes, if you are a resident of the European Economic Area, Switzerland, Andorra, the Principality of Monaco, DROM, New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Cette année, la France est de nouve Contact our customer service by telephone : +44 20 3808 7722 or by mail at Our customer advisors are available from monday to friday, from 9 am to 7pm. 1800 020 080 . Do I need to provide any supporting documents when I subscribe? Nous espérons que la situation se sera améliorée pour les prochaines équipes du W Project et leur souhaitons bonne chance ! COVID-19 updates. Refusing does not diminish the number of publicity ads, but makes them less pertinent. Hide details, Search and rescue expenses at sea or in the mountains are reimbursed with an invoice, up to 5 000€. Advised CNP Assurances on the renewal of its partnership in the life insurance business in Italy through CNP UniCredit Vita, 57.5% of which is held by CNP Assurances, 38.8% by UniCredit and 3.7% by Cardif. Acteurs bien connus de l’assurance Voyage, tour-opérateurs et plateformes de réservations en ligne lancent des produits pour protéger les clients. Chapka Assurance passe dans le giron d’Aon France, la filiale française d ... Coronavirus : les produits d’assurances dédiés fleurissent sur le marché Restez Connecté . Stéphane 29 ans & Camilo 31 ans. Beware: your medical expenses are covered for sudden and unforeseen illnesses and accidents. C’est plus court et ça tient toujours aussi chaud aux oreilles. Squire Patton Boggs. More shaken than injured, we enjoyed the rest of our holiday, with our feet, and crutches, in the sand! S’il y a bien un point sur lequel être vigilant en ce moment, ce sont les garanties de votre assurance voyage liées au COVID 19. Hide details, You are covered for material, immaterial damages and injuries, up to 4 000 000€. Hide details, In the event of a serious accident causing disability or death, you can be compensated from 10 000 to 50 000€. Covid-19 - What's covered by your policy? 13,366 Likes; Twitter Suivez-nous; Abonnés Linkedin; RSS Flux d'actus; Publi-communiqués Hong Kong Tourism Board : une présence forte et 100% virtuelle à l’ITB… Mar 4, 2021. Refusing does not diminish the number of publicity ads, but makes them less pertinent. We negotiate tailored insurance contractswith solid benefits and at the best price. Live strong.The adventure starts here. Yes, if you subscribe before your departure. Alors, bienvenue dans le #ChapkaGang chers globetrotteurs Foncez découvrir notre nouveau site web :, on attend vos retours ! Covid-19 Info. Tout simplement. Such a hectic round-the-world trip ! They are our customer advisors! Jeanne and Paul, 60 and 65 years. Hide details, If you are responsible for damages to your rental property, you are covered up to 100 000€. Enjoy being covered worldwide for your holidays less than 90 days! Enjoy being covered for your trips less than 30 days in your home country! If you need assistance with booking a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, please note the call centre is unable to book appointments on your behalf. Baptiste, 29 year-old. Rendezvous in our FAQ for more details! Assurances expatrié. Reimbursement of your Medical fees from the 1st Euro. This contract was tailor-made by Chapka, in partnership with, If you would like to know more, please visit our dedicated page. Rendezvous in our FAQfor more details! Get a quote Select the product you'd like a quote for. If you need information about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines or help with the COVIDSafe app, call the telephone number listed below. Monnoyeur, Chapka Assurances, FrenchPartners, France FinTech, ZEBet et notre école l’emlyon. We intervene from the first euro, meaning even your small fees are reimbursed. Yes, if you are of different nationality than your country of expatriation. As a French brand, our blog and social networks are available with French content only for the moment. Still didn't find the answer to your question ? Car Insurance Home Insurance Gadget Insurance Landlord Insurance Travel Insurance. Par ailleurs, de nombreux assureurs du marché (Chapka Assurances, Allianz Travel, Europ Assistance, …) n’ont pas lancé de produits dédiés mais proposent déjà, en fonction des contrats, des produits pouvant protéger les clients face à l’épidémie de nouveau coronavirus. Chez Chapka, on se voit davantage comme des compagnons de voyages. Hide details, Your repatriation is covered at 100% of the real costs. They let us suggest publicity on your Facebook, targeted from your interests and preferences, and let us rate them. National Debt Helpline – COVID-19 Financial Survival Guide Provides information about measures enforced by the government, as well as support services and learning resources to manage finances during COVID-19. Insurance policies include medical and dental care and luggage insurance.