advised that most, if not all, of the protections provided by the United Kingdom regulatory system generally and for UK authorised funds do not apply to recognised funds such as these Sub-Funds. Subject to compliance with its legal and regulatory requirements, LIAM shall not be held liable for the financial consequences of any nature whatsoever arising from En effet, c’est la possibilité offerte par le premier ETF obligataire éligible au PEA proposé par Lyxor. In the Performance Swap, the counterparty of the Lyxor UCITS ETF commits to pay the Lyxor Before continuing your journey, please click the tabs below and ensure you have read all the information carefully, A private investor is a self directed retail client who is making investment decisions on their own behalf in their personal stock broking account, Self Invested Personal Pension or individual savings account, A financial Adviser is a qualified investment professional who provides financial advice or guidance to investors based on their own personal financial situation and risk profile. country and whether or not authorised by reference to a directive: any other authorised or regulated financial institution, a collective investment scheme or the management company of such a scheme, a pension fund or the management company of a pension fund, a commodity or commodity derivatives dealer. The website is hosted by on Microsoft Azure servers. You should contact us at the above address if you wish to do any of these things. Through Lyxor UCITS ETFs, investors are exposed to counterparty risk resulting from the use of OTC swaps with Société Générale. to the ETF and the percentage value of the basket represented by each asset. Lyxor PEA Immobilier Europe (FTSE EPRA/NAREIT) UCITS ETF - Capi. Find the latest LYXOR W WATER PEA (AWAT.PA) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. French Financial Markets Authority), or (ii) established under the Luxembourg law and approved by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the Luxembourg Financial Supervisory Committee). Our agents and contractors will only use your information to the extent necessary to perform their functions. Liquidity risk: The Lyxor PEA Eau (World Water) UCITS ETF - Capi invests in stocks with focus Social/Environmental, World. Alternatively, you can email (iii) an average number of employees during the year of 250. a national or regional government, a public body that manages public debt, a central bank, an international or supranational institution (such as the World Bank, the IMF, the ECP, the EIB) or another The total expense ratio amounts to 0.60% p.a.. Companies are rated by S&P from AAA (highest Lyxor Asset Management Group ("le Groupe Lyxor ") a été fondé en 1998 et se compose de 2 filiales que sont Lyxor Asset Management et Lyxor International Asset Management, composantes du groupe Société générale.Spécialiste européen de la gestion d'actifs et figurant parmi les leaders des ETF, le Groupe Lyxor fournit depuis 1998 des solutions d'investissement. Any reproduction, disclosure or dissemination of the materials available on the website is prohibited. Investors should not deal in this product unless they understand, Moreover, LIAM accepts no liability in case of difficulty or inability to access the website due to an internet connection problem. and any related revenues generated by the basket's assets (excluding the value of the Performance Swap) held by the Lyxor UCITS ETF. Dans le pire des scénarii, les investisseurs peuvent perdre jusqu’à la totalité de leur investissement. Les tailles des ETF sont considérées comme une moyenne des niveaux d'encours sous gestion observés sur la période concernée. to the firm's other business). Lyxor UK is authorized by Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, under FCA Registration Number The products and services offered by LIAM are not available in all jurisdictions, notably due to regulatory constraints. When investing in commodities, the Benchmark Index is calculated with reference to commodity futures contracts which can expose investors to risks related to the cost of carry and transportation. La valeur de remboursement du produit peut être inférieure au montant de l’investissement initial. You undertake to use the information contained on this website for personal, non-commercial purposes. amount originally invested. us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. any transaction relating to the product or any investment in the product. Find the latest LYXOR INDIA PEA (PINR.PA) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. ETFs exposed to Emerging Markets carry a greater risk of potential loss than investment in Developed Markets as they are exposed to a wide range of unpredictable Emerging Market risks. A Performance Swap is a contractual agreement which is negotiated over-the-counter (OTC) between two parties: the Lyxor UCITS ETF and its counterparty. with other senior unsecured obligations of the counterparty, such as common bonds (i.e., same rights to payments). The Lyxor ETF website may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partners, advertisers or other websites providing relevant information. La performance passée ne préjuge pas des rendements futurs. is a UCITS compliant exchange traded fund that aims to track the benchmark index FTSE … This website is published by Lyxor International Asset Management (LIAM), a simplified joint stock company (société par actions simplifiée) with capital of 1,059,696 euros, listed on the Nanterre Trade and Companies Disclosure of interest Dépositaire et conservateur SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE 75886 Paris Cedex 18. Prior to any investment in any Lyxor UCITS ETF, you should make your own appraisal of the risks from a financial, legal and tax perspective, without relying exclusively on the information provided by us. En particulier, les ETFs Lyxor présentés sur ce site Internet ne sont et ne seront pas enregistrés sous le United States Securities Act of 1933, et suivants, ils ne peuvent donc faire l’objet d’une offre ou d’une vente au sein des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, à l’exception de cas particuliers exemptés du, ou de transactions non soumises a un enregistrement sous le Securities Act. Lyxor recommande aux investisseurs de lire attentivement la rubrique " facteurs de risques " du prospectus ainsi que le document d’information clé pour l’investisseur disponible sur le présent site internet. Intra-community VAT number: FR 50419223375 To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit or Bonne soirée Note : ce message n'est pas un conseil d'investissement sur les sociétés citées ou l'ETF cité. Lyxor and Lyxor ETF are names used by Lyxor Asset Management UK LLP to promote the products of Lyxor International Asset Management. As part of its legal and regulatory obligations (including those resulting from the European directive on Markets in Financial Instruments – MIFiD), LIAM may be required, depending on the type of products it Visiblement, les ETF éligibles au PEA sont dominés par deux émetteurs : Amundi & Lyxor. website does not constitute an offer or an invitation to purchase any securities in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer or invitation is not authorised or to any person to Dividendes : non (capitalisation) Niveau de risque : 6/7. not to use such content and not to allow anyone else to use this content for illegal purposes. A professional client is a client that is either a per se professional client or an elective professional client (Note article 4 (1) 12 of Mifid ): The above definition is only an extract and is not exhaustive. : +33 1 42 14 83 21); e-mail: Une traduction Franà§aise de ces prospectus peut être obtenue sur simple demande écrite adressée par courrier à Lyxor International Asset Management (" Lyxor ") – 17 Cours Valmy, 92987 Paris La Défense France. Nevertheless, Lyxor UK makes no representation or warranty regarding Any such statement must not be construed as tax advice and must not be relied upon. Managing editor: Nathalie Boschat, Head of the Lyxor Communications Department (Tel. You should note that holdings in this product will not be covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, or by any similar scheme. (c) dans laquelle il est illégal de proposer de telles offres ou incitations. If you are in any doubt as to the meaning of such terms, then you should first consult Academy section. You cannot trade directly with Lyxor UK. Currency Risk and any related revenues generated by the basket's assets (excluding the value of the Performance Swap) held by the Lyxor UCITS ETF. Lyxor Asset Management UK LLP makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy of any information. L’attention des investisseurs est attirée sur le fait que les prospectus de certains ETFs Lyxor de droit Luxembourgeois ayant fait l’objet de la procédure de notification précitée sont publiés sur le présent site internet uniquement en langue Anglaise. You undertake to use the information contained on this website for personal, non-commercial purposes. Ainsi, les ETFs listés sur ce site Internet ne peuvent ni être vendus aux concitoyens de nationalité américaine ni être autrement transférés aux Etats-Unis, sauf si cette transaction ne fait pas l’objet d’un enregistrement particulier de par la loi américaine. This consists of entering into a derivative transaction (a ‘Performance Swap’, as defined below) with a counterparty that provides complete Lyxor UK make past performance or simulated past performance are based on data expressed in a currency that is not that of the state of residence of the investor, potential gains may increase or decrease based on changes From a risk perspective, each Performance Swap ranks equally Disclosure of interest Finally, where past performance or simulated performances (past or future) are presented, any gains can also be reduced by the effect of commissions, fees or other charges borne by the You should note that holdings in this product will not be covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, or by any similar scheme. It forms part of the important information and the terms and conditions of our website. to the ETF and the percentage value of the basket represented by each asset. LIAM is a French asset management company approved by the AMF (17 place de la Bourse 75082 Paris Cedex 02) under the UCITS (2009/65/EC) and AIFM (2011/31/EU) directives. Lyxor UK is the promoter of Lyxor UK Exchange Traded Funds. You may also delete and block all cookies from the Lyxor ETF Website but parts of the Lyxor ETF website may not work. L’ETF peut ne pas toujours être en mesure de répliquer parfaitement la performance de son indicateur de référence. 435658. No investment decision should be taken without reading the fund prospectus and the key information document available of the fund concerned. offer investment advice in respect of these products. Lyxor UK or its associates may from time to time have a position, or material interest in the products described in this website or the investments underlying them. ), and in respect of each element of its content (text, images, etc.). offer investment advice in respect of these products. This includes entities dedicated to the securitisation of assets or other financing transactions. The views of Lyxor UK reflected in this website may change without La liquidité sur les marchés peut être limitée du fait notamment, d’une suspension du (des) marché(s) des sous-jacents de l’indicateur de référence, d’une erreur des systèmes de l’un des marchés concernés, de Société Générale ou d’autres teneurs de marché, ou d’une situation ou d’un événement exceptionnel(le). Risque de contrepartie : Le Fonds est exposé au risque d'insolvabilité ou à tout autre type de défaut de toute contrepartie avec laquelle il conclut un accord ou une transaction et particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit d’instruments financiers à terme négociés de gré à gré ou de cession temporaire de titres. This policy explains how our website uses Cookies. LIAM cannot however guarantee its completeness or the London Stock Exchange (LSE) requirements and guidelines. Avant tout investissement dans un ETF Lyxor, vous devez procéder à votre propre analyse des risques du produit d’un point de vue juridique, fiscal et comptable, sans vous fonder exclusivement sur les informations qui auront été fournies au préalable, en consultant, si vous le jugez nécessaire, vos propres conseillers en la matière ou tout autre professionnel compétent. Finally, LIAM cannot guarantee, and accepts no liability as regards the sequence, accuracy, absence of errors, veracity, currency, merchantability, quality, correctness or non-infringing character and availability This website is hosted on Microsoft Azure servers. Risque de réplication : Il n’y a aucune garantie que l’objectif de l’ETF soit atteint. Commissaire aux comptes PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS AUDIT LIAM is a French asset management company approved by the AMF (17 place de la Bourse 75082 Paris Cedex 02) under the UCITS (2009/65/EC) and AIFM (2011/31/EU) directives. Investments are not covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme ("FSCS"), or any similar scheme. You further undertake Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, may be notified to you by e-mail. The views of Lyxor UK reflected in this website may change without This may create Tracking Error in the ETF. Other Shares/Classes. Investors’ capital is fully at risk and investors may not get back the The dividends in the fund are reinvested (accumulating). As of March 2020, the long term, senior, unsecured debt obligations of Société Générale were rated A by Standard and Poor’s Ratings Services (S & P) and A2 by Moody’s Investor’s Services Inc (Moody’s). Lyxor UK make The Les ETFs Lyxor présentés sur ce site sont des organismes de placement collectif en valeurs mobilières (OPCVM) (i) domiciliés en France et agrées par l''Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) ou, (ii) domiciliés au Luxembourg, agrées par la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) et ayant fait l’objet d’une notification pour la commercialisation de leurs parts ou actions sur le territoire de la République Franà§aise conformément aux dispositions de l’article 93 de la Directive 2009/65/CE. No investment advice In particular, investors should note that Most, if not all, of the protections provided by theUK regulatory system generally and for UK authorised funds do not apply to these exchange traded funds (ETFs). THE SAME APPLIES TO VARIATIONS IN HISTORICAL Legal representative and director of publication: Lionel Paquin, Chairman, Lyxor International Asset Management. The value of the product can go down as well as up and can be Risque de perte en capital : Les ETF présentent un risque de perte en capital. Although information contained herein is from sources believed to be reliable, En particulier, les ETFs Lyxor présentés sur ce site Internet ne sont et ne seront pas enregistrés sous le United States Securities Act of 1933, et suivants, ils ne peuvent donc faire l’objet d’une offre ou d’une vente au sein des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, à l’exception de cas particuliers exemptés du, ou de transactions non soumises a un enregistrement sous le Securities Act. The Sub-Funds are recognised Collective Investment Schemes for the purposes of Section 264 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the "FSMA") and the Prospectus is available to the general public in the United Kingdom on this website. to send you information and updates about products on the Lyxor ETF website; to satisfy your requests, such as publications or information relating to Lyxor ETF; to respond to your query if you have emailed us with an enquiry (for example, in relation to any Lyxor ETF or a forthcoming publication or event); to send you further information and marketing materials about our services, products, publications, events or keep you informed through our periodic newsletters provided that you have indicated that This site is intended for Professional Clients who intend to trade in Lyxor UK Exchange Traded Funds in the United Kingdom. Finally, LIAM cannot guarantee, and accepts no liability as regards the sequence, accuracy, absence of errors, veracity, currency, merchantability, quality, correctness or non-infringing character and availability to calculate the Benchmark Index, which may effect the ETF’s ability to replicate the Benchmark Index efficiently. If we transfer your information outside the EEA in this way, we will take steps to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected. This policy explains how our website uses Cookies. be used for the following purposes: We may (to the extent necessary) pass your personal information to members of the Societe Generale Group and Lyxor UK’s partners, providers, and subcontractors (for whom we remain responsible in this regard) Physical ETFs may have Counterparty Risk resulting from the use of a Securities Lyxor has adopted this methodology in order to minimise tracking error, optimise transaction costs and reduce operational risks. who assist us in providing the services we offer, such as fulfilling requests for information, receiving and sending communications, updating marketing lists, analysing data, providing support services amount originally invested. Any reproduction, disclosure or dissemination of these materials is prohibited. * Source : Lyxor International Asset Management. Replication Risk investor. Sous réserve du respect des obligations que la loi met à leur charge, Lyxor, ou toute autre entité du même groupe, ne pourra être tenu responsable des conséquences financières ou toute autre conséquence de quelque nature que ce soit résultant d’un investissement dans les produit. Although the content of the website is based upon information that Lyxor UK consider reliable or comes from sources that Lyxor UK consider reliable, Lyxor UK has not verified such information. Du coup, je suis partie sur l’etf s&p500 et l’etf émerging Asie.J’ai aussi un etf sur l’eau(lyxor pea eau) , ainsi qu’une dizaines d’actions du cac40 , mais aucune sur le luxe. This website is subject to French law and English Law. Register under the single identification number 419,223,375 and EPA number 6630Z. exchange rate fluctuations could have a negative or positive effect on returns. You have the right to ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about you in our records by writing to Lyxor ETF, SG House, 1 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4SG. The value of the product can go down as well as up and can be another institutional investor whose main activity is to invest in financial instruments (in relation to the firm's MiFID or equivalent third country business) or designated investments (in relation Any reproduction, disclosure or dissemination of these materials is prohibited. absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus). no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of any information. Pour investir dans les entreprises industrielles allemandes (Siemens, Bayer, … 70 ETF pour investir sur les marchés internationaux et obligataire dans votre PEA. No investment decision should be taken without reading the Legal Documents relating to the particular Exchange Traded Fund concerned. Any reproduction, distribution or redistribution in whole or in part of the content of this website in any form or by any means whatsoever (including by caching or framing), or any sale, resale, retransmission The information is relevant to the closing values on the date given. Il vous appartient donc de vous assurer que vous êtes autorisés à investir dans les ETFs Lyxor présentés sur ce site Internet. Investments are not covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme ("FSCS"), or any similar scheme. Investors should consult, if they deem it necessary, their own advisors LIAM is not responsible for hypertext links pointing to this website, and prohibits any person from establishing such a link without its express consent. of fraud, intellectual property infringement, breach of any law or other activity that is illegal or which may expose us to legal liability, or in order to protect our rights and property. Une traduction Franà§aise de ces prospectus peut être obtenue sur simple demande écrite adressée par courrier à Lyxor International Asset Management (" Lyxor ") – 17 Cours Valmy, 92987 Paris La Défense France. Lyxor UK does not When simulations of future performance are presented, the data relative to these performances are only predictions, and are not a reliable indicator of the future performance of the product. Information given about the past performance of the funds is no guarantee of Investors must consult with an appropriate professional tax adviser to ascertain for themselves the taxation consequences whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. Investors should consult, if they deem it necessary, their own advisors Your personal data may be processed by staff operating outside the European Economic Area ("EEA") or your local jurisdiction who work for us or for one of our suppliers chosen for their expertise in certain Investors may be exposed to risks resulting from the use of an OTC (over the counter) Swap with Lyxor UK. It forms part of the important information and the terms and conditions of our website. A cookie is a small file, typically of letters and numbers, downloaded on to a device when the user accesses certain websites. Potential users of this website are requested to inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. Lyxor UK may obtain personal information about you during the course of your participation with the Lyxor ETF website, sometimes through the use of on-line or off-line forms. Avant tout investissement dans ce produit, les investisseurs sont invités à se rapprocher de leurs conseils financiers, fiscaux, comptables et juridiques.