For you, passion means tension and tragedy. The only important thing is to never remain indifferent. The members of your entourage gladly entrust you with high responsibilities because they are often impressed by your learning skills and your adaptation abilities as you deal with new structures and new languages. However, this configuration does not describe a quiet conformism. It is not possible to cheat on you. One can only praise your energy and notice your presence. But your charisma and your radiance are intensified. Venus expresses her qualities through the values of the 1st House. Some traditional associations with Virgo: You are sometimes misunderstood but one of your great Plutonian assets is to go successfully through each life ordeal with ever growing strength. The sign in which the ruler of the Ascendant is posited fine-tunes the style of personality described by the Sun and the Ascendant. Your first reactions are affective or sensual. It focuses on every area of the personality and provides a synthesis of all the above-mentioned parameters according to sound hierarchical rules. According to the Tradition, your father may play an important role in your life. N.B. Characterology: Non-Emotive, Active and Secondary type or Emotive, non Active and Secondary type or sometimes Non-Emotive, non Active and Secondary type; it is a Phlegmatic, a Sentimental or an Empathic type. Regarding the latter, it must be remembered that even a monster or at least a person who perpetrated odious crimes, has some human qualities, often noticed by his/her close entourage: these excerpts come from computer programmes devoid of polemical intentions and may seem too soft or lenient. It constitutes your main asset to manage your life. : numerous astrologers believe neither in the influence of Poseidon, nor in that of all hypothetical planets, asteroids, Arabic parts or other fictitious points. The danger is that you may spread yourself too thin in the sense that you may forget about faithfulness, particularly during the extensive faraway travels you are so fond of. Pluto is the only possibility we have at our disposal to overcome our inner blocks and to eliminate outgrown situations that have become inextricable. Herbs and aromatics: saffron, mint, rosemary, common rue (Ruta graveolens). Please, always keep in mind that human beings are continuously evolving and that many parts of our psychological structures are likely to be expressed later, after having undergone significant life's experiences. Never mind! Additional secondary elements are: the Lunar Nodes, the Dark Moon or Lilith, Chiron and other minor objects. Some traditional associations with Pisces: Countries: Holland, Scotland, North and West Africa, New-Zealand, Paraguay, Algeria. The Seventh House also called the Descendant (in front of the Ascendant) is the sphere of partnership, marriage, contracts, relationships with others, the outer world. Flowers and plants: thistles, mint, bryonies, honeysuckles. 1st Earth sign - 1st Fixed sign - Feminine, In analogy with Venus, his ruler, and the 2nd House. It is actually far more complex. Or else, the will to follow a personal path off the beaten path and to build a specific destiny for yourself. Flowers and plants: ivies, wild pansies, amaranths, pansies. Cities: Lisbon, Vienna, Frankfurt, Leeds, Nottingham, Johannesburg, Antwerp, Fribourg. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted. They are all posited on the Zodiac wheel consisting of twelve signs, from Aries to Pisces, and divided into twelve astrological houses. Countries: Japan, Canada, Indo-China, South Pacific Islands, Burma, Argentina, Upper Egypt, Tibet. The Dog is aware of his limits and he prefers to stick to what he masters rather than being tempted by some exceedingly adventurous conquest. Tradition also matches her with the end of life, after Saturn the old age, it is thus customary to go back to one's place of birth to die: the end of life meets the very beginning. Countries: England, France, Germany, Denmark. Google'ı kullanabileceğiniz diğer diller: English Google'la Reklam Fırsatları Google Hakkında However, other astrological elements also influence these areas. In China, this element corresponds to the planet Mars, the red colour and the number 7. Sagittarius wants to thoroughly understand and he adjusts his thought process to his beloved partner's. Trees: pines, willows, flowering ashes, aspens, poplars, alders. Acquisition is a unique field of experience for developing and highlighting your personal dynamism. Aquarius governs the ankles and the legs. In tough aspect, it may make the person nit-picking, inflexible, and narrow-minded. Houses are split up into three groups: angular, succedent and cadent. Apollon is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. : numerous astrologers believe neither in the influence of Hades, nor in that of all hypothetical planets, asteroids, Arabic parts or other fictitious points. But you may also be curt, withdrawn, calculating, petty, cruel, unpleasant, ruthless, selfish, dull, rigid, slow or sceptical. Your Life Path is influenced by the number 7, and indicates that your destiny is marked with spiritual life, research, and introversion. Cities: Moscow, Salzburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Saint Petersburg. Regardless of the flexibility of your comportment, some situations demand an absolute firmness as well as uncompromising, frank and straightforward attitudes. It's Home Sweet Home, security and cocoon. I have immersed myself in the study of his work for many years now and have received personal instruction and teaching from him. The Ninth House is the sphere of high studies, both physical and mental journeys (philosophy, spirituality), rebelliousness, changes of scenery, desire for dealing with the unknown. Earth is its element, it is cold and dry, and it rules Virgo and Gemini, is in exaltation in Virgo and is in analogy with the arms, hands, nervous system. People may criticise you for your intransigence and say that you are a hardliner. Your receptiveness is so intense that it may border on mediumship or, more disturbing and rare, you may have hallucinations. Stones, Metals and Salts: turquoises, amethysts, silver, lead, calcium phosphate, calcium fluorine. Your qualities lay in the open-mindedness that allows you to quickly understand new circumstances and their stakes. There are no negative consequences, as long as things go well, because you are very sensual, charming, possessive and swaggering and you make happy all the people who look for this domineering aspect in their partner. Some inspirations require surrendering as well as striking a balance derived from alternate action and passivity. Everything catches your attention and becomes an opportunity for new encounters, relationships, and learning. Your qualities are expressed to the fullest in situations which demand familiarity and privacy. This discipline considers the name, the surname, and the date of birth, and ascribes a meaning to alphabetic letters according to the numbers which symbolise them. I've been looking for more info on pluto retrograde in the 12th house and its effects and I've found very little info. You are so lucky, Jeff Green (astrologer), that your inner self and your behaviour merge to increase your energy and your vitality. Your need for transparency may lead you to make cut-and-dried judgments such as yes or no, and black or white. You may enjoy strokes of luck in the areas of finance, speculations, investments and inheritances. You perceive all situations with deep intensity, and you react to the here and now without bothering to step back in order to ensure that events are under your control. It is probably due to the peculiar nature of your sensitivity. Additional information on the source of the birth time is sometimes available in the biography excerpt below. You are rather autonomous and constant, however it is important that you pay more attention to others, so that you can improve your outcomes. Finally, relations will settle among planets, creating a third structure, which completes the planets' basic meanings. The First House or Ascendant represents one's behaviour in the eyes of others and also one's health. It symbolizes what has already been achieved or acquired, in a karmic sense: it's the past from which it's advised to move on in order to progress. Outsider's opinions don't matter! Precision: concerning the horoscopes with a known time of birth, according to the Tradition, we consider that a planet near the beginning (called cuspide) of the next house (less than 2 degrees for the Ascendant and the Midheaven, and less than 1 degree for all other houses) belongs to this house: our texts and dominants take this rule into account. Your affective structures can be likened to a roving radar. Sometimes, we publish a birth date just because it is made available, but we do not claim that is it the best one, by no means. A time for “if you don't love me, I love you”. Stones, Metals and Salts: diamonds, iron, potassium phosphate. You are inclined to be passionate, with hidden motivations. Vulcanus, sometimes said to be the higher octave of Saturn, provides strength to improve collective relations, to structure things, to be efficient, and to get straight to the point. You take the role of an observer who is avid for novelties, discoveries, and surprises. If your sign is Scorpio or your Ascendant is Scorpio: you are secretive, powerful, domineering, resistant, intuitive, asserted, charismatic, magnetic, strong-willed, perspicacious, passionate, creative, independent, vigorous, generous, loyal, hard-working, persevering, untameable, possessive, cunning, ambitious, sexual, proud, intense, competitive but also aggressive, destructive, stubborn, anxious, tyrannical, perverse, sadistic, violent, self-centred, complex, jealous. One has very good tastes but also an irrepressible propensity to ostentation. The Twelfth House is the sphere of hidden things, enemies, closed or remote places (hospital, prison, convent etc. Cities: Paris, Boston, Athens, Lyon, Corinthia, Heidelberg, spa towns in general. Aries. Characterology: Emotive, Active, Secondary type; it is a Passionate type. Jeff Green (astrologer), the nocturnal North-eastern quadrant, consisting of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd houses, prevails in your chart: this sector favours self-assertion and material security to the detriment of your perception of others. Food: berries, apples, pears, grapes, artichokes, asparagus, beans, spices, corn and other cereals. The family belongs to the upper social layer. Thus, there is usually a plan to be followed, from the overall analysis of the chart and its structure, to the description of its different character traits. You consider self-transformation to be a hazardous adventure. Letting go is the best way to find tranquillity. At times, you come across as authoritarian. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved. Indeed, angular houses are said to generate impulsions and to give a powerful and domineering personality. In both cases, success is achieved through personal efforts, good luck, and marriage. Countries: Spain, Australia, Hungary, South Africa, Arabia, Yugoslavia. Planets represent typologies of our human psychology: sensitivity, affectivity, ability to undertake, will-power, mental process, aptitude, and taste for communication etc., all independent character facets are divided here for practical reasons. The Second House is the sphere of material security, the money we earn, our possessions, also in a symbolic meaning (close people etc). Nonetheless, these analyses remain accurate in any case. This degree often indicates that the father is a foreigner or an important man whose social status is much higher than that of the mother. Possession, acquisition but also communication, without opening up too much, are part of your deep motivations. Some traditional associations with Libra: Your security and your family unit, the one you come from, but also the one you set up when you get married and start a family - or even as a bachelor living alone in your sweet home - are necessary for you to blossom. You cannot refrain from testing others with cutting remarks, not because you want to hurt them, but because you want to know them better through their reaction; for you, life and the feeling of aliveness are experienced through rebellion and tension. If the natal chart indicates strong willpower, one is able to recover one's lost social status through hard work and sometimes, through a marriage. You try to organize your life settings. Should the natal chart concur, one can achieve fame and wealth in politics thanks to the support of powerful and devoted friends. Do you belong to the Jupiterian type, benevolent and generous? She symbolizes the mother, wife, the crowd, the Moon is associated with birth and childhood. However, we must gain the lucidity and the distance without which we remain locked up in an implacable destiny. Your desire for discoveries prompts you to appreciate changes of life settings, explorations of the world, spiritual and inner journeys. Air is under-represented in your natal chart, with only 5.90% instead of the average 25%. For a man, she represents his mother and later his wife, and his relationship with women in general. The fact remains that you may end up in tricky situations, due to your lack of good sense or forethought: material life is unavoidable even if you are rather idealistic, dreamy, or easily content. Jeff Green (astrologer), Venus in the 1st house (also called Ascendant) represents your behaviour or your character, as seen by others. But you may also be marginal, resigned, distant, utopian, maladjusted, eccentric and cold. His primary income source is from being Entrepreneur. The gap between you and ordinary mortals is also an element of your strength. 7. Your concern is to keep your realm under control, which implies a fair amount of modesty and some distance. the location of the North Node of the Moon, and the location of its planetary ruler by house and sign. Is it an extraordinary partner? Jupiter in Scorpio strengthens your emotional realm and your instinctive capacity to have more lasting and deeper feelings. Herbs and aromatics: indian hemp, comfreys, centaureas, hemlocks, henbanes. You are constantly in love, you are passionate and your energy and your extroversion create a love life that could fit a serialized novel: mobile and changing, you are not the man of a single woman, at least until you find the person who resists you and who arouses a love powerful enough to tame you. Etienne Chaubo Astrologue, Plessis-Barbuise. Pluto is our deepest instincts’ brutal force. The keywords for Lilith can be sterility, sadism, perversity, castration, sadomasochism, eroticism, orgasm, forbidden fantasies, marginality, cruelty; redemption, illumination, rebelliousness... Lilith's opposite point is called Priapus; it is the Lunar perigee, the position where the Moon is closest to the Earth. ), it rules Scorpio, is in exaltation in Pisces and is in analogy with the sexual organs and excretion. It is in analogy with Leo and the Sun. With Mars, your attitudes are dictated by the realities of the moment, by your emotions, and by everything which proved to have worked in the past. Indeed, you... (excerpt). Indeed, as an action-oriented fire sign, you challenge yourself and you succeed in accomplishing the task straight away. 3. This description is far from being comprehensive but it can shed light on his/her personality, which is still interesting for professional astrologers or astrology lovers. It gives you a sparkling, attractive and sexy side: not... (excerpt). Your 9th house being one of your most tenanted house, or at least emphasized, travels and faraway places play a major role for you: travels may take place in a symbolic sense, namely mind speculations or conceptions about political matters, philosophy, religion or spirituality, or in the literal sense, such as real long distance travels by plane. 2nd Fire sign - 2nd Fixed sign - Masculine, In analogy with the Sun, his ruler, and the 5th House. Sting calls Steven Forrest's work 'as intelligent and cogent as it is poetic'. In a few rare cases, you can funnel your huge energy into more philosophical, even spiritual or religious enterprises, where your entire fieriness works wonders. Know Jeff Green 2021 horoscope and Jeff Green 2021 astrology based on date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. We currently use the latter formula for our astrological programmes. Or the Air type, gifted in communication and highly intellectual? You feel attached to your roots and the intimate surroundings in which you live are essential; you are deeply fulfilled by this continuous source of affective charges: your home and private life... (excerpt). For worse or for better, you need to love, to desire, sometimes with outrageousness. Trees: mulberry trees, chestnut trees, ash trees, lemon trees, oaks. If Uranus is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Uranian: personal values are prevailing. You may feel that only you can understand the elements of your intimate life. You follow your inspirations, for better or for worse. The Part of Fortune is an ancient concept, used by Ptolemy and other astrologers before him. Keywords associated with Ceres could be order, practical sense, worry, precision, modesty, method, sobriety, motherhood, fertility, the Earth: a kind of a more cerebral Moon... Pallas is sometimes used in modern Astrology: she represents intelligence, abstract and global thinking talents. 2. In difficult aspect, it may bring about superficiality or extravagance. Animals: Rams and sheeps. Under this condition, you will be able to take full advantage of this type of study. There are a thousand ways to win, and a thousand challenges to take up with the enthusiasm and the dynamism which make life so worthy. Gemini governs the arms, the lungs and the thorax. If Jupiter is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Jupiterian: because this planet brings about a keen interest in social and professional success, the Tradition considers it to be beneficial. Countries: Morocco, Norway, Algeria, Syria, Korea, Uruguay, Transvaal. Stones, Metals and Salts: opals, steel and iron, calcium and sodium sulphate. List of all the celebrities born on December 2. Characterology: Emotive or non-Emotive, Active, Primary type; it is a Passionate Choleric type. As a result I am uniquely qualified to carry on his work, which was my father’s desire. are important. You often go off on your own! You revel in overthrowing great ideals, and you prefer to come up with more personal concepts, even though they may be less clear at times. Many people born in the same period have Saturn in the same sign. With you as a leader, every plan or human entity can be organized and structured. This degree portends dangers linked to horses and transportation in general. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Libra. Astrologue professionnel Diplôme de l'école d'astrologie École de Sagesse à Paris. Then, your honesty can work wonders. Trees: apple trees, pear trees, fig-trees, cypresses, ash trees. It may translate into curiosity or a keen interest in metaphysics, religion, or spirituality. You are of a contemplative nature, and you are particularly receptive to ambiances, places, and people. You are interested in what is unknown and in the subtle laws of a hidden order. It is always located in the West of the chart around the Descendant. Animals: dogs, cats and all pets. This is the reason why the sign occupied here is less meaningful than when it is occupied by the so-called fast planets, i.e. However, you are well-advised to avoid indolence and renunciation out of laziness or indifference. The Lunar nodes are fictional points and not actual heavenly bodies: they are the intersections of the Moon with the Ecliptic (the path made by the Sun in its orbit as seen from the Earth). Go to AstroSage Cloud. : numerous astrologers believe neither in the influence of Apollon, nor in that of all hypothetical planets, asteroids, Arabic parts or other fictitious points. The natal chart indicates which drawing is relevant. They provide some additional informations. Now, what is the secret of your charm? If your sign is Libra or your Ascendant is Libra: you are sentimental, charming, polite, refined, loyal, a pacifist, fair, distinguished, light-hearted, romantic, learned, ethereal, nice, well-groomed, a perfectionist, calm, sweet, tolerant, sociable, elegant, considerate, seductive, aesthetic, indulgent, but also hesitant, weak, indecisive, selfish, fragile, fearful, indolent, cool or even insensitive. You are always ready to evolve, to risk destruction for reconstruction - including your own - to live more intensely whilst imposing your secret authority on things and on people you encounter. In some cases, the father dies before the child is born, or the birth occurs out of wedlock. Das astrologische Weltbild von Jeff Green beruht auf der Überzeugung von Wiedergeburten (Reinkarnation). Although some health condition and affective ordeals lessen the vital energy, one overcomes obstacles. Green was born in Cheverly, Maryland, to Jeffrey Green Sr. and Felicia Akingube.He attended Northwestern High School in Hyattsville, Maryland, where he led the NHS Wildcats to the state basketball championship in 2004.. Green was recruited to Georgetown University by coach Craig Esherick in 2003. Pluto destroys in order to reconstruct and he provokes painful crises that are needed in metamorphosis. Secondly, owing to your moral integrity, you feel that it is essential that your relationships be transparent, sometimes at the cost of a few sacrifices. She's also known as Demeter, according to the astrologer Zipporah Dobyns, linked to the symbolism of the mother but in a less emotive and more physical way than the Moon. This does not exclude utopia. The planet Mars indicates how you react to life concrete stimulations. Uranus represents individual freedom, originality, independence, marginality, avant guard inspiration, ultra modernism. Cold and logical reasoning, clear thoughts and good sense are not important to you: if there is no affective bond with your environment, no connection can be established with the Venusian that you are, and nothing happens. The Jeffrey Wolf Green School Of Evolutionary Astrology DVD course is a comprehensive course that teaches the totality of astrology from the ground up thru the prism of the Evolutionary perspective. Audience members ask questions that cover many topics. Like all the secondary bodies, it must be in close conjunction with planets or angles in order to fully express its action. Food: meat, potatoes, barley, beets, spinach, medlars, onions, quinces, flour and starchy food in general. But this is not always the case: there may be a cluster of planets, or a planet may be near an angle other than the Midheaven or Ascendant. Are you more of the Fire type, energetic and intuitive? N.B. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Your family, your home and often your mother, Jeff Green (astrologer), have a strong emotional importance. It is useless to cheat with you, since in all areas you consider establishing enduring relationships only with those who love you, admire you, respect you, or express some degree of affection to you. Some traditional associations with Leo: Flowers and plants: lilies of the valley, lavenders, myrtle, ferns, Venus-hair-ferns, bittersweets. It is essential to read a natal chart several times in order to absorb all its different meanings and to grasp all this complexity. This text is only an excerpt from of Jeff Green (astrologer)'s portrait. After this paragraph about dominant planets, of Jeff Green (astrologer), here are the character traits that you must read more carefully than the previous texts since they are very specific: the texts about dominant planets only give background information about the personality and remain quite general: they emphasize or, on the contrary, mitigate different particularities or facets of a personality. You are vulnerable, hurt by the slightest aggression and easily influenced because you are unable to step back from people and events; therefore, you may start to be doubtful and lose the self-confidence that you so badly need to progress. Courageous, intuitive, and curious character endowed with great intellectual, literary, and artistic gifts. Sagittarius gathers. Flowers and plants: geraniums, white roses and white flowers in general, water lilies, morning glory, bear's breeches, and lilies. Your nature is straightforward, direct and enthusiastic and it is difficult for you to tell lies and to follow the tortuous paths of diplomacy. Some other Solarians, although more discreet, still manage to be the focus of any debate, even in situations of exclusion. The Lunar type, imaginative and sensitive? The planet Saturn symbolizes contraction, effort, time, limitation and concentration. It is in analogy with Aquarius and Uranus, and Saturn to a lesser extent. Some traditional associations with Capricorn: Jim Dilettoso is on Facebook. If your sign is Virgo or your Ascendant is Virgo: you are brainy, perspicacious, attentive to detail and numbers, analytical, serious, competent, scrupulous, sensible, modest, logical, tidy, well-organized, clean, hard-working, provident, honest, faithful, reserved, shy, helpful, a perfectionist, but also narrow-minded, calculating, irritating, petty, anxious, cold, repressed or caustic. However, you must still overcome one of the major difficulties of this dominant, which is to get people to accept your difference and to smoothly fit into your environment. Distance. Nevertheless, better than anyone else, you know how to play with feelings and attractions. Zeus is related to creativity, as well as to organisational and leadership capacities. If Venus is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Venusian: you are a sensual and emotional person particularly receptive to the natural likes and dislikes aroused by your contact with people. Astrology, sacred psychology and reincarnation come together seamlessly in the hands of two of the world's premier metaphysical astrologers. Animals: lizards and small reptiles. For more information, see the page dedicated to the sign of Cancer. Sagittarius is hard to follow because his spirit and his independent mind constantly prompt him to go further and higher. You readily question the basis of your knowledge and you need to understand the hidden meaning of all information as well as the stakes underlying human relationships. However, since you are also unstable, you often patch up as if nothing had happened and you will be forgiven: this paradox comes from your explosive mixture comprising ardour, energy, benevolence and fickleness. It is the image of the personality as seen by others and the person's visible behaviour expressed outwardly. Gemini. Regarding the sources of the birth data in our possession, kindly note that the pages we publish constitute a starting point for more detailed research, even though they seem useful to us. Countries: Switzerland, Greek islands, Ireland, Cyprus, Iran. On the day and at the time of your birth, the Moon was in the sign of Pisces. She symbolizes violence and "untameability", the radical and deep-seated refusal to submit. Saturn eliminates anything that is not authentic, sooner or later. It is your way of being present even though you are actually not there... More than other people, you appreciate the esteem extended to you. Your mind is curt, critical and controversial. Fire is its element, it is dry, and it rules Aquarius, is in exaltation with Scorpio and is in analogy with the brain and the nerves. A life off the beaten path? Willpower and appearance united! Characterology: Emotive, non Active and Primary type or Non-Emotive, non Active and Primary, Nervous or Amorphous type. Neptune represents escapism, impressionability, daydreaming, delusions, carelessness, deception or intuition, dishonesty or inspiration, telepathy. Your charm? One can and must develop one's potentialities. You discover the world, the others, and the unknown through your sensations, your instinctive desire, or your natural repulsions. The centaur represents independence, idealism, courage, and sometimes, boastfulness and conceit. You are also endowed with Marsian qualities: the fighting spirit and the taste for duel without which one may find oneself overwhelmed by events. One has the mentality of a freeloader and does not hesitate to claim other people's work as one's own. Herbs and aromatics: aniseeds, sage, bilberries, cinnamon, borage, mosses, sage, blueberry, patience, balsam. Sometimes, a real understanding of your partner, coupled with an unfailing affective impulse, allows you to experience the intense moments of a shared love.